

Whitepaper: Japanese Chef Knife or Swiss Army Knife?

Whitepaper: Japanese Chef Knife or Swiss Army Knife?

Japanese chef knife or Swiss army knife The best-in-class Japanese chef knife, or the all-in-one Swiss army knife debate pits two opposite approaches against each other. The all-in-one solution prioritizes convenience, speed, and cost, while best-in-class solutions...

Whitepaper: Don’t Ditch Your Legacy System, Modernize It

Whitepaper: Don’t Ditch Your Legacy System, Modernize It

Modernize your legacy system The insurance industry is going through a time of radical disruption. Traditional insurers are no longer safe, with InsurTechs, Google, Amazon, and others challenging incumbents to rethink their business and operating models. This...

Outbound payments and cybercrime

Outbound payments and cybercrime

Outbound payments and cybercrime Digital technology is transforming and disrupting economies worldwide, exposing organizations to both opportunities and threats. It comes as no surprise then that economic crime is going digital. Over the past five years, security...

Opportunity costs in the build vs. buy debate

Opportunity costs in the build vs. buy debate

Opportunity costs in the build vs. buy debate Carriers planning for new technology have always faced one fundamental question: should they build a solution from scratch or buy a proven solution from a vendor? This decision applies to many types of systems: policy,...

Payments trends 2020

Payments trends 2020

In the year ahead, Deloitte predicts that payments companies will be making “big bets” on modernization, cloud computing, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and collaboration with other industry players. Explore the five payments trends that will be driving change, presenting challenges, and creating opportunities.

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